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No one seems to understand what it means to lose a loved one to homicide.
The MOVA monthly sharing session offers an opportunity to share feelings, emotions and experiences in an atmosphere of trust, empathy, and confidentiality.




Each person walks this path differently. If you would like to attend you can drop in on one of the dates listed below. If you have any questions or would like to RSVP, please call 204-831-8950 or email



Please feel free to join us generally on the first Monday of the month*

  7:00pm - 9:00 pm
In person Monday @ Candace House
  183 Kennedy Street
      &/Or online   Tuesday by ZOOM
  In-Person   Zoom
  Monday     Tuesday  
  Sept  9       Sept 10
  Oct   7       Oct    8
  Nov   4       Nov    5
  Dec   2       Dec   3 (Candle Light)
  Jan   6       Jan   7
  Feb   3       Feb   4
  Mar  3       Mar   4
  Apr   7       Apr    8
  May 12       May  13
  June  2       June  3





*Please note that there are no Sharing Sessions over the summer months of July and August.

Victims needing assistance should contact the  Executive Director, Karen Wiebe, directly by phone at 204-831-8950 or by email to


United Way Building, 580 Main St.

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